Portal Rasmi Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Pulau Pinang

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Question 1
Who is exempt from taking the Pre Islamic Marriage?

Persons exempted from Pre-Marriage Course is only those who never married (widowed / polygamy / divorced), a bachelor who has more than 50 years old and physically handicapped individuals who are certain.

Question 2

How does an applicant is able to recognize the Assistant Registrar of Marriage, Divorce And Ruju '(Jurunikah) to be met to get support (interview) to get married?

Applicants should refer to the Office of Religious District where he resides.

Question 3
Does the applicant can follow Pre Wedding in any place in Malaysia?

Yes, the applicant can follow Pre Wedding in any place in Malaysia, as long as it is recognized by the State Islamic Religious Department in which the course is organized.

Question 4
Where the applicant can get the form to get married?

Applicants can get the form at the Office of Religious marriage District where he resides or in any District Office of Religious in Penang but the form must be submitted to the Office of Religious District where he resides.

Question 5
When time is right for an applicant to apply to marry in the Office of the District of Religion?

Applications can be made up to 3 months before the date of marriage and at the latest one month before solemnization implemented to facilitate the production process Married Truth.

Question 6
Should each partner will undertake the solemnization ceremony in Penang blood test / HIV?

Each couple will perform the marriage ceremony in the State of Penang is COMPULSORY undergo screening blood test / HIV clinics had only selected GOVERNMENT.

Question 7
Is it necessary to submit a letter to request permission Divorce Married?

Yes, applicants are divorced and want to marry, shall submit the Divorced Letter.

Question 8
If father can not be detected, whether the biological brother can be a saint?

The biological brother cannot be saint. In such cases, marriage is to be done with King saint.

Question 9
Are falling divorce if the wife in period, clear pronouncement?

Divorce the husband to the wife's in period is valid.Talak named bidie divorce ', because illegal ruling extends her iddah.

Question 10

If couple want to get back in that period, how, whether to go to the Office of the District of Religion or enough so far only two witnesses?

Couples who want to get back, must be present at the office to refer the District Religion for registration. That couple will be given Ruju' Letter after paying a certain fee.

Question 11
I am married to use saints judge (allegations) another word syndicates, but my father still alive? Does my marriage valid?

Solemnization happens to be perfectly harmonious and conditions. One of the marriage rule is wali. If father still alive and is qualified to be saints, then the father that became wali. Akad marriage happens without the permission of the Registrar is an offense.
Actually Enactment of the Islamic Family Law (State of Penang) 2004, citing Wali King "not saints hakim.Akad this marriage if made ​​by a guardian appointed king not correct, then the marriage is not valid. Only Raja who is appointed by the the King (in Penang) just can solemnize woman that does not has saint.

Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam
Negeri Pulau Pinang
Lebuh Pantai, 10300 Pulau Pinang
  04-684 7000 | 04-2502810
| jheaipp[a]penang[dot]gov[dot]my

jata jakim msc penang


  • Latest Updated: 26 July 2024 

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